CDSIMER Newsletter        Hospital Enquiry : 080-26086500        MBBS Admission Enquiry : 6366885501

Blood donation day

World Blood Donors Day 14th JUNE 2022

World Blood Donors day was celebrated at Blood Centre CDSIMER on June 14th to thank donors and mark the need of raising awareness towards blood donation with encouragement for the same. Medical Director, Vice Principal along with HODs and representatives of all support departments gathered at blood centre to mark the day with a small function. On this day, 28 voluntary donors came forward to donate blood and were awarded certificates and a token of appreciation by the blood bank officers. Display boards with informative blood donation titbits, Eposters and taglines were arranged at the college lobby. A collage of the previous blood donors comprising doctors, technicians, students and non-teaching faculty was made as a gesture to thank them for giving the gift of life. An E-poster and a slogan competition was organized for the first year and second year MBBS students respectively on the theme ‘Motivation for voluntary blood donation’. The numerous entries showcased the creativity and ingenuity of our talented students. Prizes were awarded along with certificates for the winners.

National Voluntary Blood Donation Day

1st of October is celebrated as ‘National Voluntary Blood Donation Day’ in India every year to enforce the importance of blood donation in the life of an individual. It was first celebrated in1975 through the Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology which was established in1971 under the leadership of Mrs. K. Swaroop Krishen and Dr. J.G. Jolly.

We, the team Blood Centre CDSIMER dedicated this day to spread awareness about the need for voluntary blood donation and clear myths associated with blood donation. The special focus this year was on our young undergraduates of the first year MBBS who were encouraged to come forward to donate blood. Posters and media were used to motivate people to donate. Our management, administrators, Doctors, paramedical, nursing and support staff actively supported us.The donors were given certificates of appreciation by the Blood Transfusion Officer.

Contact Us

  • Dr. Chandramma Dayananda Sagar
    Institute of Medical Education & Research
  • Deverakaggalahalli, KanakapuraRoad Ramanagara Dt.,
    Karnataka - 562 112
  • General Enquiry: 1800 425 9900
    MBBS Admission Enquiry: 6366885501
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