CDSIMER Newsletter        Hospital Enquiry : 080-26086500        MBBS Admission Enquiry : 6366885501



Microbiology is the scientific study of microorganisms that are too small to be visible with the naked eye. Medical Microbiology is an ever-evolving dynamic science which deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.

Department of Microbiology functions in two division’s mainly clinical microbiology and academics. Clinical microbiology is a multidisciplinary unit comprising of Immunology, Parasitology, Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology, Mycobacteriology and Serology. The department is well equipped with adequate academic resources, spacious lecture halls, museum and laboratory and departmental library.

Apart from the contributions of Microbiology to human health, the foundations of modern molecular biology and genetics rest on research carried out with microbes. Basic research in Microbiology underwrites our effort for eradication of important pathogens, prevention of human diseases, development of gene therapies and the evolution of new strategies for personalized medicine.

Our research focuses on viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites that cause disease, and the larger microbial communities in which they exist.


  • To provide accurate clinical diagnostic services to all its users in a proficient and cost-effective manner and to provide a quality education that integrates the latest research advances with the best clinical practices to the students, residents, postgraduate trainees.


  • Our mission is to impart thorough training of medical graduates and other health care professionals in the field of laboratory medicine to ensure quality healthcare.
  • The Department will continuously strive to apply improved and advanced diagnostic services with greater accuracy and precision.
  • The faculty will compete to pursue newer developments in the field of clinical microbiology and undertake dedicated research to apply the same to the local population.


Dr. Sharadadevi Mannur
Dr. Sharadadevi MannurProfessor and Head
Qualification : MBBS, MD
KMC Reg No : 41063
Dr.Nandan T M
Dr.Nandan T MProfessor
Qualification : MBBS, MD
KMC Reg No : 70839
Dr. Vanitha S
Dr. Vanitha SProfessor
Qualification : MBBS, MD
KMC Reg No : 73492
Dr.Mahendraswamy B <br/>
Dr.Mahendraswamy B
Assistant Professor
Qualification : MBBS, MD
KMC Reg No : 103287
Dr. Swathi V
Dr. Swathi VAssistant Professor
Qualification : MBBS,MD,CIC
KMC Reg No : 91948
Dr. V R Parvathy
Dr. V R ParvathySenior Resident
Qualification : MBBS, MD
KMC Reg No : 84926
Dr. Leelavathi V
Dr. Leelavathi VTutor
Qualification : MBBS
KMC Reg No : 180861
Dr.Akshaya Kumar
Dr.Akshaya KumarTutor
Qualification : MBBS
KMC Reg No : 159875
Dr.Prakash Kumar D
Dr.Prakash Kumar DAssistant Professor
Qualification : MBBS, MD
KMC Reg No : 27289
Dr.Advaith A Chetan
Dr.Advaith A ChetanTutor
Qualification : MBBS
KMC Reg No : 125416
Ms. Priscilla Caroline
Ms. Priscilla CarolineTutor
Qualification : MSc - Medical Microbiology
Dr. Basavaraja P H
Dr. Basavaraja P HTutor
Qualification : MBBS
KMC Reg No : 165530
Dr. Ashish Anshuman
Dr. Ashish AnshumanAssistant Professor
Qualification : MBBS, MD
KMC Reg No : 94179
Dr.Annu Joseph
Dr.Annu JosephTutor
Qualification : MBBS
KMC Reg No : 164606
Ms.Mohana Priya T
Ms.Mohana Priya TTutor
Qualification : MSc - Medical Microbiology
Dr.Christin Joseph
Dr.Christin JosephTutor
Qualification : MBBS
KMC Reg No : 176528
Dr. Krishna Murthy C
Dr. Krishna Murthy CAssistant Professor
Qualification : MSc, PHD - Medical Microbiology
Dr. Gopi B V
Dr. Gopi B VTutor
Qualification : MBBS
KMC Reg No : 175055
Dr. Gangadevi B
Dr. Gangadevi B Tutor
Qualification : MBBS
KMC Reg No : 161657
Dr. Achal Anjan Kumar V
Dr. Achal Anjan Kumar VTutor
Qualification : MBBS
KMC Reg No : 180029

Contact Us

  • Dr. Chandramma Dayananda Sagar
    Institute of Medical Education & Research
  • Deverakaggalahalli, KanakapuraRoad Ramanagara Dt.,
    Karnataka - 562 112
  • General Enquiry: 1800 425 9900
    MBBS Admission Enquiry: 6366885501
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • KEA (CET) Code: M083
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